Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail

Oh, to have Hunter S. Thompson with us in this election season. The gonzo journalist was my portal into politics, first via a subscription to Rolling Stone in my teenage years and later through his books. I think he would be having a blast covering the current campaign trail. If he thought there was fear and loathing in the Nixon years, he'd surely find that to be child's play compared to what we have on our hands now. Cubans are no strangers to fear and loathing in the political sphere. While there are many Fidelistas here (adoring fans of the late comandante en jefe ), there are also plenty who lean toward loathing when the subject of Castro comes up. I would guess, from my limited experience and exposure and with no surveys to draw on, that those on the adoring side are in the majority. But there's no guesswork involved when it comes to the Cuban-Americans residing in the Miami area; it's safe to say that virtually all of them loathe the historic leader of the Re...