Hand of God

(blog by Stan) The big news shifted this week, from our daily doses of what the Cuban news labels the "Interminable US Election", to at least a couple of days focused on the death of Maradona. Everyone has a Maradona story. Here's mine: I am not a soccer fan, never have been. So four years ago, when Fidel Castro died, I was here in Cuba guiding a church group from Charlotte. We were with some friends in Varadero, Nashla and Joel, and they were talking about all the various world dignitaries/presidents who were arriving in Cuba for the funeral. Joel said, "Maradona flew in from Argentina today." I (mis)translated: "The president of Argentina arrived today." Both Joel and Nashla quickly corrected me, "No, not the president, Maradona. Diego Maradona." I translated the correction, and asked them, "who is Maradona?" Both they and my Charlotte friends stared at me in disbelief. Joel said, "You, know, the hand of God!" I did not ...