Remembering Luis

It seems that most of my musings and meandering blog posts about Cuba have something to do with political advocacy, or economic challenges, or cultural observations. While I have a lot of interest in all these topics, they are not what keeps me so anchored there and feeds my longing to return. The strong pull on my heartstrings comes from personal relationships we have developed over the years. I'd like to share about one of those relationships and pay tribute to one of our dearest friends, Luis PĂ©rez Martinto, who passed away suddenly week before last, having suffered a heart attack in his bed. When Kim and I received the news, it was more than our hearts could handle. We walked down to the mountain stream to let our grief and a flood of shared memories join the currents of running water and make their way toward the ocean's depths. All last year, I had the great blessing of visiting Luis in his home at least once a week. With the COVID restrictions and the lack of church gath...